3 reasons LA area theatregoers need to see a play about artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, or A.I., is interesting for many reasons.   For one, it is already a large part of our life in the 21st century. A.I. powers self-driving cars, helps you “tag” images on Facebook, powers “Siri” on your iPhone and “Alexa” on the Amazon Echo, helps suggest interesting movies for you to watch on Netflix, and helps you find …

The robot that inspired the script: BINA48

Uncanny Valley playwright Thomas Gibbons was sitting in the waiting room of a dentist’s office in August of 2011 when he noticed an article in the National Geographic magazine sitting on the table. The article mentioned Bina48, an uncannily realistic humanoid robot designed to look like a real human being named Bina Rothblatt, cofounder of the company who created Bina48. …

Meet the Playwright of Uncanny Valley: Thomas Gibbons

Thomas Gibbons has been the playwright-in-residence at InterAct Theatre in Philadelphia for about two decades now. His plays have been seen at the National Playwrights Conference at the Eugene O’Neill Theatre Center, off-off-Broadway at Blue Heron Theatre, Mixed Blood Theatre, Northlight Theatre, Actors Express, Florida Stage, Unicorn Theatre, Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, Arizona Theatre Company, Center Stage, New Repertory …

Laurine Price Believes in the Power of Live Theatre

Shipwrecked! An Entertainment opened on October 14. Audiences and critics have been praising the work of the exceptional cast. Laurine Price’s performance has been a favorite for many patrons who watched her play everything from captain of a pirate ship to a member of English high society. During rehearsals, Laurine was gracious enough to take some time to answer some …

Nick Ley Listens to His Audience

Shipwrecked! An Entertainment opened last Friday. As soon as the cast came out to take their bow, the entire audience sprung to their feet to give the talented actors the standing ovation they so rightly deserved. Nick Ley’s performance was praised by both critics and audiences as he spent the evening playing more than 20 separate characters in the show. …

Luke Yankee Wants Us to Pretend

Shipwrecked! An Entertainment begins performances on Wednesday. They have been holding rehearsals for the last three weeks to make sure this technically difficult play is executed without error. This adventure tale of the high seas is being helmed under the direction of Luke Yankee. We asked him some questions about his work on this imaginatively staged show, and he was …