Students to Stage
Free student tickets!

We rely on our generous donors to help. For every $25 that you or your organization donates to the program, we can bring one student to see a show. We have generously discounted our regular ticket prices for this program so more students can benefit from your donations. Either you can choose the recipients or we will.
As with any donation, this is completely tax-deductible. We will issue a letter to you or your organization thanking you for your support. Larger donors ($250 or more) will be recognized in the program. Please take the time to participate in this valuable program for our future generation. Every donation is appreciated, no matter how large or how small. If you would like to make a donation, or if you have more questions, please contact Jordan Gohara at 562.495.4595, extension 100, or email her at

“I found something inside myself that I didn’t even know was there.”
-a high school student after seeing ICT’s production of The Crucible
ICT has launched an initiative to involve students of all ages in professional theatre. With a nationwide dropout rate of over 30% in our high schools, and knowing the positive results of students involved in the arts, ICT wants to take a more aggressive step in reaching young people. This new program brings students into an artistic environment and creates a thought provoking dialogue about important issues in our world today. Paired with ICT’s revolutionary shows and dedication to our community, this program promises to be a resounding success…with your help!